on nothing much

Hey guys,

So, I haven’t posted in a while ’cause I’ve been really busy with school work and that. My entire art (school-run) gcse was due this week so I’ve been pretty damn busy with that, among other things. The term also finished this week so I am now on holiday (whoop) but I now need to start revising so it’s not that exciting. Work experience-wise, nothing’s really been happening (hence the lack of posts). I keep meaning to ring up a couple more surgeries to see if I can get another vet placement this summer, but I keep forgetting and making excuses. I way prefer sending emails but the two contacts I’ve got are phone numbers so I’m just gonna have to pluck up the courage. I would do it now but it is a Sunday afternoon and neither are open (excuses, excuses, I know).

Anyway, I hope you have a nice easter holiday (or spring break if you’re american or something) and I’ll catch ya later.

Sophie x